Wednesday 22 June 2011

Iwi want exclusive rights to native wildlife

Iwi already have a significant say in the management of native wildlife because DoC must consult them and seldom makes decisions against iwi wishes. But some iwi want more - exclusive and comprehensive rights to native flora and fauna. Six iwi - Ngati Koata (at present holding up tuatara translocations), Ngāti Kuri, Ngāti Wai, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Porou, and Ngāti Kahungunu - have a claim before the Waitangi Tribunal; Wai 262. If the Tribunal recommends its acceptance, the future of our wildlife looks dire indeed. Ministry of Economic Development website has the details. No doubt Kati Huirapa will be watching developments with interest. Owning the wildlife would be an even greater boost to the iwi's mana than simply being able to control DoC's management of it and controlling the future of Orokonui Ecosanctuary. As the New Zealand Herald put it (13th June 2011):

An imminent Waitangi Tribunal finding could be the most explosive New Zealand has yet to deal with, making the foreshore and seabed pale in comparison.