Sunday, 10 July 2011

Contentious rule change dropped

Members of the Otago Natural History Trust will by now have received notice of the special general meeting and annual general meeting on 28 July. Notable is that the rule change proposed now involves only one additional rule, 4.1.12, which reads (my emphases in red):

The Board may at its discretion invite an individual with particular expertise, interest or legislative role in the conservation of  New Zealand’s indigenous flora and fauna, or having a significant role with respect to the activities of the Trust, to attend ONHT Board meetings as an Advisor.
 Explanatory Note: The trustees wish to be able to appoint persons of relevant expertise to the trust board. At present the trust board is limited to six trustees whose annual election process will remain unchanged. The proposed change will give us a chance to appoint key stake-holders to provide valuable assistance to ensure the viable operation of the Ecosanctuary. Any stakeholder so appointed will be required to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with ONHT before appointment.

This change will formalise what has been the practice for the last ten years, when DoC has had an advisor attend trust board meetings.

Many thanks to those whose support has brought about the revision of the proposed rule change. Particular gratitude and respect are due to Upoko David Ellison and the  Kati Huirapa Kaumatua Council. They showed courage, dignity and great mana in standing up to the Runaka and appealing to the ONHT not to change the rules to accommodate a permanent seat on the board for a Runaka representative.

Tena rawa atu koe te rangatira e David

Ralph Allen